A few years ago we planted a Blue Baron rhododendron to add to our color collection of rhododendron and azalea that are around the house and yard. We had every other color so the bluish color was a nice addition. The plant is still very small after a few years – I’m not sure if it likes where we planted it. This year it was full of blooms that look very blue but the camera sees them with a more purple cast.
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What zone or state are you in?
I just purchased 2 Blue Baron's. I'm trying to decide which of my other Rhododendrons or Azaleas will bloom "with" Blue Baron ( for nice color contrast ).
Some web sites say Blue Baron blooms late April. Some say mid May. I'm sure this depends on the state.
I live in Massachusetts. (Greater Boston Area), which is zone 5.
Thank you for your time.
We live in northeast Ohio within about 3 miles of the Lake Erie shoreline. Our Blue Baron seems to bloom in late April or early May. This year we had a very rainy April and the Blue Baron just started blooming early this week. Our azaleas and rhododendrons still have a week or more to go before they bloom. Everything is blooming late this season because of the rain, but I am sure the Blue Baron has always been a week or so earlier than the others.
Elvira is a red compact rhododendron, and is full of blooms at the same time as Blue barron. They look great together.
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