Sunday, August 29, 2010

Migrating Monarchs, a Fiery Skipper, and Vervain

The Monarch butterflies are on the move south, and their numbers are increasing on the areas near the shores of Lake Erie. Monarchs were all over the place when we visited the Mentor Headlands Dunes and the Mentor Marsh Wake Robin Trail this past week.

While at the Wake Robin Trail, we saw two people who were taking notes about what they were observing. We asked what they were tracking, and one woman responded that they were tracking the Fiery Skipper, a small yellow butterfly. Since there is work being done to restore the area by the Wake Robin Trail back to its fresh water habitat, they were watching how it will affect the Fiery Skipper population. Earlier on the trail, one had landed in front of me and I had taken its photo. The woman also identified a pretty purple flowering plant as Vervain.

Here are a few photos of the Monarchs, the Fiery Skipper, and Vervain, plus other wildlife and plants.

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