All Content © Chris A. Zimmer and chriszimmer.blogspot.com
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, chriszimmer.blogspot.com, here.
The area, containing the waterway, waterfalls, and many trees, was acquired by Lake Metroparks earlier this year. The 4.5 acre parcel was donated by Laura MacMillan Crago, Johanna Bates, and Julia MacMillan in memory of George V. Bates, III and Susan Bates MacMillan. The path to the waterfall is off the main Greenway Corridor trail, and the falls trail winds through the trees literally within a few hundred feet of busy I-90. The trail is a short .3 miles long, but the hill to the falls may be considered too steep for some, and the noise from I-90 may annoy others. But it is worth the short walk down. My husband and I decided to visit over the weekend for some photos. While it’s been a little dry here lately, the falls still looked lovely. We hear that after heavy rains, the roar of the water will drown out the freeway.
Here are a few photos from our visit. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)
All Content © Chris A. Zimmer and chriszimmer.blogspot.com
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, chriszimmer.blogspot.com, here.