My husband and I attended the grassroots rally for President Barack Obama that was held today in our home town of Mentor, Ohio. We stood in line in the cold rain (sometimes sleet) for 2 hours and when we got in the main building, they literally shut off the entrance to the Mentor High School gym/auditorium where the rally was being held. We were directed to the overflow room, with about 300 others, and we were told we would get a special guest. We were disappointed, but later we were very excited when we found that the special guest was the President himself, who arrived and first entered the overflow room, gave a brief speech, and shook many hands before exiting to the auditorium where the massive crowd waited. It was very exciting to see him in person - literally up close and personal – far better than it would have been had we been in the gym. Here are a few photos I took plus videos. Sorry for the short wobble in the videos; it was very crowded in there and my husband and I got jostled once or twice.

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