The rainy weather finally cleared and left us with a huge blanket of soaking wet leaves. The light fog this morning kept things damp, but also provided some nice crepuscular rays as the sunlight streamed through the trees.
Here are a few more fall photos. Included is a photo of a jet that was flying high, the light from the sunrise giving it a strange fiery glow. There is also a photo of a section of a large flock of birds flying overhead. Every fall we get huge flocks of birds – I think many are starlings, red winged blackbirds, grackles, etc. that collect in or near the Mentor Marsh. They fly out in the morning and back in the evening, collecting more birds in their group each day, eventually creating huge streams of birds that look like they number in the hundreds of thousands. While I was out this morning, I caught a group of maybe only a thousand or so flying overhead, but with each day, their numbers build so that by the time they leave for the winter, they leave in massive numbers, sometimes taking 30 minutes or more as the stream flies overhead. I’ve included an old video that I took several years ago from one of these events, and I am keeping my eyes open so I can try to film them again this year.
Here are a few more fall photos. Included is a photo of a jet that was flying high, the light from the sunrise giving it a strange fiery glow. There is also a photo of a section of a large flock of birds flying overhead. Every fall we get huge flocks of birds – I think many are starlings, red winged blackbirds, grackles, etc. that collect in or near the Mentor Marsh. They fly out in the morning and back in the evening, collecting more birds in their group each day, eventually creating huge streams of birds that look like they number in the hundreds of thousands. While I was out this morning, I caught a group of maybe only a thousand or so flying overhead, but with each day, their numbers build so that by the time they leave for the winter, they leave in massive numbers, sometimes taking 30 minutes or more as the stream flies overhead. I’ve included an old video that I took several years ago from one of these events, and I am keeping my eyes open so I can try to film them again this year.
Crepuscular Rays

Japanese Maple Leaves Feature Beautiful Colors

One Lone Maple Leaf in a Sea Of Oak Leaves

Water Droplets on the Japanese Maple

A Small Group from a Large Flock of Birds

A Squirrel Snacks on an Apple from Our Apple Tree

Mentor Ohio Bird Migration
All Content © Chris A. Zimmer and
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