All Content © Chris A. Zimmer and chriszimmer.blogspot.com
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, chriszimmer.blogspot.com, here.
Japanese Maple Leaves Feature Beautiful Colors
One Lone Maple Leaf in a Sea Of Oak Leaves
Water Droplets on the Japanese Maple
A Small Group from a Large Flock of Birds
A Squirrel Snacks on an Apple from Our Apple Tree
Tinkers Creek Gorge photo © Chris A. Zimmer and chriszimmer.blogspot.com
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, chriszimmer.blogspot.com, here.
Chris (at left) loves to travel. Here, she is getting ready to pilot her first flight.
Cleveland winters are why she moved to Arizona (Chris at right). I think those eyeglasses are back in style.
Chris had the latest "do" for her senior picture and looked fabulous!
Every woman must be photographed in curlers. It's just one of those passages of life.
Chris eats a bite of cake while the rest of the gang are drinking and being merry.
This is what happens after eating, drinking, and being merry.
Celebrating your 40th Birthday - Happy 20th Anniversary!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, chriszimmer.blogspot.com, here.